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Black Company Character Analysis: The Howler

Race: Human

Transcendent: Taken

Sex: Male

Faction: The Empire

Overall Rating: 6.3

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Arena Status: Active (S1)

The Howler is an enigmatic figure from The Black Company series, a saga that delves deep into the lives of a mercenary band in a gritty, dark fantasy world. As one of the feared Ten Who Were Taken, The Howler's presence weaves through the narrative as both a formidable adversary and, at times, an unlikely ally to the Black Company. Known for his chilling screams and mastery over magical artifacts, particularly flying carpets, The Howler's character arc is as unpredictable as it is fascinating.

The Howler from The Black Company on a Flying Carpet
The Howler, One of the Ten Who Were Taken

Who Was The Howler Before Being Taken?

Before his time as one of the Dominator's chief enforcers, The Howler was a wizard-king of considerable power. His unique affliction, which gave rise to his moniker, was the result of a curse laid upon him by an unspecified enemy. This curse not only instigated his infamous howls but also altered his physical appearance over the centuries, making him diminutive and driving his self-preservation instincts.

The Howler's Interaction with The Black Company

Throughout the series, The Howler's interactions with the Black Company shift as the balance of power changes. Initially a servant of the Lady and an enemy to the Company, his allegiance becomes more fluid over time. He plays a pivotal role in several key battles, utilizing his sorcery and flying carpets to devastating effect. Despite his wisdom and power, The Howler's primary motivation appears to be survival, leading him to ally with the most powerful faction at any given time.

How Does The Howler Die?

The Howler's journey comes to an end in "Soldiers Live," the final book of the series. After being cured of his curse by Shivetya, he participates in the Siege of Taglios. It is during a failed attempt to capture Mogaba that The Howler meets his demise, killed by shadows alongside other key characters. His death marks the end of a complex character who had survived centuries of conflict and magical battles, only to fall in a moment of vulnerability.

The Legacy of The Howler

The Howler's legacy is as complex as his life. A character of significant power and knowledge, he contributed to the changing fortunes of the Black Company and the world around them. His creations, particularly the flying carpets, left a lasting impact on the series' magical warfare. Yet, it is his unpredictable nature and survival instincts that truly define his character, making him a unique and memorable figure in the Black Company saga.

The Howler's Arc: From Servitude to Ally

From his early days under the Dominator's rule to his final moments in the service of the Black Company, The Howler's arc is a testament to the series' exploration of morality, power, and redemption. His ability to navigate the shifting tides of allegiance, all while pursuing his own goals, showcases the nuanced character development that is a hallmark of Cook's writing. The Howler's story is a captivating blend of mystery, magic, and the relentless pursuit of survival in a world where loyalty is as mutable as the spells cast by its sorcerers.

The Howler's journey through The Black Company series is a riveting tale of survival, power, and transformation. As one of the Ten Who Were Taken, his presence added depth and complexity to the series' exploration of dark fantasy. His eventual alliance with the Black Company, driven by pragmatism and a desire for self-preservation, underscores the series' theme of moral ambiguity. In the end, The Howler's death during the Siege of Taglios serves as a poignant conclusion to his centuries-long saga, closing the chapter on one of the most intriguing wizards in fantasy literature.

The Howler's Raw Power

Raw power in a fantasy context often involves a combination of physical strength, magical prowess, and the ability to influence the world around one. The Howler's strength lies not in physical combat but in his deep knowledge of sorcery and his strategic use of it. His most famous creation, the flying carpet, serves as a testament to his ingenuity and skill in magic, enabling swift travel and providing a tactical advantage in battles. This magical innovation alone sets him apart in the realm of fantasy characters, where the ability to control elements or move objects with the mind is a common measure of power.

Despite his diminutive size and appearance, often described as a tiny, masked man wrapped in a bundle of dirty indigo rags, The Howler's influence and power should not be underestimated. His longevity, having survived numerous conflicts and schemes over centuries, speaks to his resilience and cunning. His magical prowess is feared and respected, making him a formidable wizard among his peers.

Considering the vastness of fantasy universes and the diversity of characters within them, rating The Howler's raw power is challenging. However, taking into account his specialization in magic rather than physical combat or elemental control, a rating of 7.5 on a scale of 1-10 seems fair. This rating acknowledges his significant magical abilities and his contributions to the Black Company's endeavors, while also recognizing that his power, though formidable, is specialized and not the absolute pinnacle when compared across all fantasy characters. His lack of ambition for personal gain and focus on self-preservation further delineate his power's scope, concentrating more on survival and allegiance shifts rather than domination or conquest.

The Howler's Tactical Ability

Tactically, The Howler demonstrates a profound understanding of both sorcery and the battlefield's exigencies. His creation of the flying carpets is emblematic of this, providing a tactical advantage that transcends traditional combat methods. These carpets allow for rapid deployment of forces, surprise attacks, and swift retreats, illustrating his capacity to innovate and adapt to the needs of warfare.

Moreover, The Howler's allegiances have shifted according to the prevailing power dynamics, indicating a strategic mind that prioritizes survival and influence over loyalty. This adaptability, while not always seen in a positive light, is a testament to his tactical acumen. He has served under the Lady, aligned with various Shadowmasters, and eventually joined forces with the Black Company, always positioning himself where he could maximize his influence and survival prospects.

Given the complexity of assessing tactical ability across all fantasy universes, where characters might command vast armies, wield god-like powers, or manipulate the fabric of reality itself, The Howler's rating requires careful consideration. His strengths lie in strategy, magical innovation, and adaptability rather than direct command or overwhelming force. Therefore, a rating of 6 would be appropriate. This acknowledges his strategic mind and ability to shape events from behind the scenes, positioning him above average in tactical ability but recognizing the limitations of his approach compared to the broader spectrum of fantasy characters.

The Howler's Influence

Despite not being a leader in the traditional sense, The Howler's expertise in sorcery, particularly in the creation of magical artifacts like the flying carpets, positions him as a figure of significant influence. His contributions to warfare strategies, through both direct participation and the provision of magical assets, enhance the capabilities of those he aligns with. This technical prowess, coupled with his longevity and survival skills, grants him a unique position from which to exert influence.

However, The Howler's influence is also characterized by his tendency towards self-preservation and his mutable loyalty. He aligns with the most powerful entities he perceives, from serving the Lady to various Shadowmasters and eventually the Black Company itself. This pragmatism, while ensuring his survival, limits his potential to be a central figure of influence, as his allegiances are seen as opportunistic rather than steadfast.

Considering these elements, The Howler's influence rating is rated at a 4. This reflects his significant yet indirect impact on the series' events through his magical contributions and strategic alignments. While he lacks the charismatic leadership or manipulative prowess found in more dominantly influential characters across fantasy universes, his survival instinct and specialized skill set allow him to subtly shape outcomes and align with power, ensuring his continued relevance and impact on the story's unfolding.

The Howler's Resilience

One of the most telling instances of The Howler's resilience is his survival after being presumed dead following a high-speed crash into the Tower at Charm. This event alone would mark him as remarkably durable, but his continued survival across the series, through wars, betrayals, and the shifting sands of allegiance, further cements his resilience. The Howler's ability to bounce back from injuries, including those inflicted by powerful magic, showcases a physical and magical fortitude that is rare even among the sorcerers of the series.

Moreover, The Howler's longevity, having lived through ages and served under various masters from the Domination to the present events of the series, speaks volumes about his resilience. His enduring presence, despite the curse that gives him his namesake howls, illustrates a remarkable ability to withstand physical and psychological strain over centuries.

Given these considerations, The Howler's rating for resilience stands strong at a 6.5. This rating reflects his demonstrated ability to recover from setbacks and injuries that are significant in the context of the series and compared to other fantasy characters. His survival skills, coupled with his capacity to adapt and overcome adversities, place him above many of his peers in terms of resilience, justifying a slight increase from the previously assigned rating.

The Howler's Versatility

As a sorcerer, The Howler's specialization in creating magical artifacts, particularly his magnum opus—the flying carpet—demonstrates his unmatched skill in enchantments and magical engineering. This ability alone sets him apart, providing him with both a tactical advantage and an escape mechanism, emphasizing his adaptability in various scenarios. His magical knowledge is vast, covering a broad spectrum from offensive spells to strategic uses of magic that influence battle outcomes and political landscapes.

Moreover, The Howler's mutable loyalty and capacity for self-preservation show a cunning adaptability to align himself with the most powerful factions, from serving the Lady to navigating the complex allegiances during the Shadowmaster wars. This adaptability is further evidenced by his survival tactics; despite being targeted by allies and foes alike, The Howler's ability to play the long game, switching allegiances and utilizing his magic for espionage, sabotage, and combat, underscores his strategic versatility.

His role as an independent ruler and a pirate king, along with his alliances with varying powers across the series, showcase his ability to adapt to different roles—from a commander in magical warfare to a ruler and a strategist. This range of roles highlights his versatility not only in magic but also in leadership and strategic planning.

Considering the breadth of The Howler's abilities and his strategic use of these skills across various contexts, a rating of 6 may underestimate his true versatility, especially when compared to other characters in fantasy universes who may excel in one or two areas but lack The Howler's wide-ranging capabilities. Therefore, a revised rating of 7.5 would more accurately reflect his extensive adaptability and proficiency across different domains of power and influence. This rating acknowledges his significant magical skills, strategic cunning, and the ability to thrive in diverse roles and scenarios, making him a formidable force in any universe.

The Howler's Alignment

The Howler's primary motivation is survival rather than the infliction of chaos or evil for its own sake. His alignment with powerful figures is more about pragmatism than a genuine desire for anarchy or suffering. His capacity for strategic planning, even within the framework of shifting loyalties, suggests a method to his madness that is not purely chaotic but rather opportunistically flexible.

Moreover, The Howler's willingness to work with the Black Company and his efforts against common threats indicate a capacity for cooperation and a certain adherence to pragmatic alliances, which could be interpreted as a shift towards a more neutral stance on the good-evil axis, dictated by circumstances rather than a core disposition towards evil.

Considering these aspects, a fitting alignment for The Howler could be "Chaotic Neutral." This reflects his primary drive for self-preservation, willingness to change allegiances based on survival rather than moral or ethical considerations, and his unpredictable but not inherently malevolent actions. While he operates outside the bounds of conventional morality and law, his actions are more self-centered than evil, making "Chaotic Neutral" a suitable alignment that captures the essence of his character's motivations and behaviors. Pride and Prophecy keeps an updated character alignment matrix across all planes of existence.

The Howler's Trophy Case

PPET Rankings

Season Rank
1 (2023-2024) #71 (of 107)

Overall Conclusion on The Howler and Position Across Planes of Existence

The Howler's final assessment at a 6.3 rating on the scale of power across all fantasy universes acknowledges his formidable sorcerous abilities, tactical acumen, and resilience while recognizing the limitations that prevent him from reaching the upper echelons of fantasy character power levels.

The Howler's sorcery is profound, capable of creating magical artifacts and wielding destructive spells. His mastery over flying carpets and battle magic demonstrates a high level of magical potency. However, within the grand tapestry of fantasy universes, where characters can wield god-like powers, reshape realities, or possess omnipotent knowledge, The Howler's magic, while impressive, aligns him more closely with powerful but not omnipotent beings.

As a strategist, The Howler exhibits a keen ability to navigate the complex politics and warfare of his world. His survival through numerous regime changes and major conflicts underscores a cunning mind. Yet, his tactical prowess is often geared toward self-preservation rather than grand conquests or the achievement of higher ideals, placing him in a unique position where his intellect and strategy are undeniable but not always applied towards the kind of transformative leadership or strategic dominance seen in some fantasy realms.

The Howler's influence is felt more through fear and his utility to more powerful figures than through leadership or personal charisma. His shifting allegiances reflect adaptability but also a lack of a unifying vision that might inspire followers or create lasting legacies. This mutable influence, while significant, does not match the transformative or widespread impact of characters who lead nations, change the course of history, or embody ideological movements.

Perhaps one of The Howler's most notable traits, his resilience is remarkable. Surviving centuries, overcoming curses, and rebounding from near-fatal injuries highlight a tenacity and survivability that few characters can claim. This resilience contributes significantly to his rating, emphasizing his ability to persist and adapt in a way that few characters across any universe can.

The Howler's versatility in magic and survival tactics is a testament to his deep knowledge and experience. His ability to navigate different roles, from a servant of the Lady to a pirate king, and then an ally of the Black Company, showcases a breadth of skills and adaptability. However, this versatility, while impressive, is often reactive rather than proactive, making him a character who responds to circumstances rather than one who shapes them.

In summary, The Howler's 6.3 rating is a balanced reflection of a character who embodies significant power, intelligence, and resilience but operates within a narrower scope of influence and lacks the universal or transformative impact of the most powerful beings in fantasy literature. His story is a compelling exploration of survival, adaptability, and the complex morality of power, making him a fascinating study in the wider context of fantasy characters. Pride and Prophecy keeps an updated power ranking across all planes of existence. This will only be sortable on desktop viewing. The below table shows a summary within the same plane of existence of this article.

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